Wednesday, July 18, 2012

En este momento, estamos

What has been, The story of my life:
'sooooo many people': You're so busy, you have too much on your plate, you should slow down ...woo woo woo... "You just can't do it all"
me: "Watch me."

Bueno, entonces...

Why Women Still Can't Have It All

I am still struggling to wrap my head around her words, as I feel liberated and bound in the same lingering moment.  This is a topic, and maybe a reality, that so many are shielded from or ignoring... It's difficult, contrasting, frustrating & empowering in one sweep.  It's emotionally provocative in a potent and valuable sense.  Worth feeling & worth thinking about (:

Feeling the soft breeze against my neck...
Slowing down to soak up the view & it is quite a beautiful world we have (:

En este momento, estamos
In this moment, we are

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